How to join Croydon Virtual Meeting House
Note. You don't need a Zoom account to participate in a Zoom meeting, nor do you need to sign in or sign up.)
  1. My device is fully Zoom-capable. (It has a user-facing camera, plus microphone and speaker / headphone socket, Zoom is not installed.)
    Show instructions
  2. My machine is fully Zoom-capable and Zoom is already installed.
    Show instructions
  3. My machine is not fully Zoom-capable (but it has a screen!).
    Show instructions
  4. My only means of communicating is by telephone.
    Show instructions
For further details or instructions contact David Parlett on  07905 679 246.
Booking Croydon Virtual Meeting House
Croydon Virtual Meeting House is open 24/7 but has only one room, so we have introduced a booking system to avoid clashes.